Do More Than Talk

Sales Struggling? Take a closer look at your Customer Experience

As we launched Smooth Communications and businesses of all shapes and sizes started trusting us, a start-up, with their ever so important communications we started to ask, why us? 

They didn’t choose our brand, they didn’t choose our products because they can’t get them anywhere else, so the question still persisted, why did they choose us? 

After some thought, it was evident, it was simply down to the customer experience that our team has delivered pre and post-sale. Exceptional customer experience is vital for ay companies aiming for sales growth, we must meet and exceed our customer’s expectations, every time.


So, how can you improve sales outputs by upping your customer experience?


  1. What do your customers, and prospective customers think of you?

Feedback is key, in all walks of life, but even more so in understanding how to increase your business sales objectives. By getting valuable feedback from your customers it will allow you to adapt and improve your strategy. Therefore, improving your future customer engagement.


Ideas on how to get feedback


  • Use your telephone system, at the end of a call, ask them to stay on the line for a short automated survey.
  • Use your CRM, after a meaningful conversation, your CRM can automate a customer survey
  • Upon installation or delivery, ask your customer to complete a quick questionnaire


Once you have the feedback, RESPOND. This is the part missed by most. A personable response can go a long way in building trust, showing empathy, and help keep the door open for future conversations.

2. Bring solutions, not problems


We’ve all experienced poor customer experience being a consumer, both over the phone and in person. Every business must understand their customer, their expectations, and tailor their approach to how they deal with their queries. When we focus on how solutions on how to better serve our customers, it builds trust and significantly improves customer loyalty. 


If you’re not sure on what these solutions may be, or where to start, here are some of the major pain points customers have when dealing with a business.

Being cut off

A pretty obvious one, right? Although not many businesses purposely cut their customers off it can happen. Transferring a call incorrectly, hitting the wrong button, or even a dodgy broadband connection. It seems an obvious one, however, ensure your staff is trained in how to operate the phone, properly.


Long wait times

We live in a world where we can gain information in a matter of seconds through our fingertips, waiting on the phone for 20 minutes for a simple query just doesn’t cut it in 2021. Ensure you understand your average wait time, even have an auto-generated report sent once a week if you’re too busy to monitor it. If a customer is waiting for a long period of time, their customer experience is already rock bottom before you even answered the phone.



Be found, be chosen. Your website is an online brochure of your business, ensure when a customer lands on it they can clearly see how to get in contact with you. Ask yourself, if you were booking a holiday and the website was poor, lack of contact methods, would you trust the business in booking your holiday, probably not. Ensure your navigation menu is clear and they can ‘navigate’ easily.


3. Look after your staff, look after your customer


It goes without saying, most poor customer experience comes from human interaction, that’s why it’s paramount your staff are on their A-Game, every time.


Customer service staff can be inundated with unhappy customers, they must remain upbeat and helpful for everyone. When their heads drop, pick them up.


Most importantly, feedback from your team can help you improve your customer experience. If the front-line staff is repeatedly getting the same questions or queries, this could be vital information that could develop your internal processes. 


4. Cover all bases


You need to be where your customers are and be contactable. Here are some ways of communicating with customers that every business should be using in the 21st century.



The number one messaging tool that almost all of us use. Since launching their free business solution, over your customers the chance to communicate with you via their preferred method.



There are a few free self-build chatbots available now, such as Artibot. Communicate with your customers, provide them with helpful information, in real-time, without human interaction.


Goes without saying really. Most of us have emails on our mobile phones and check them daily, ensure your customers can communicate with you by the simplest of methods.



Historically social media was used to promote businesses and their products, however, more recently it’s become a vital customer service tool. Many of us are scrolling through our feeds several times a day, if a customer reaches out, ensure your on hand to deal with their query.

We could make this blog 10x the size with tips on improving customer experience but we’ll cut it short here. The core reality is that if you look after your customers, your sales output will increase. By focusing on customer experience, you will improve your business, its processes and ultimately have happier customers.

Sharings Caring

There are many reasons to choose Smooth Comms. Above all, we truly care about the right solutions for our customers, because every single customer matters.


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